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National Plan of Education for the integration of children with dyslexia

Children with specific learning difficulties are many and their place in comprehensive school. Children with this model phenomena (such as dyslexia, disgrafiya, autism, hyperactivity, attention deficits) do not differ other intellectual and should not be treated as inferior, damaged or diseased. Bulgarian education must develop and implement models work with these children

"To see something clearly, it is often enough to change the direction in which you look."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for speech, leading to differences in the way information is processed.

Dyslexia is difficulty with vocabulary, primarily in reading and writing. Develop highly versatile and has no precise definition. About 20% of people have similar problems. In most cases, problems associated with writing, reading and mathematics related to the fact that people with dyslexia see letters stirred and turned back, or that the material absorbed slowly or with difficulty. It is important to remember that the problems they have in reading, writing or mathematics does not mean they are stupid or mentally disabled.

Many people who have dyslexia, can develop panic disorder.
Particular process, such as reading and make it an automatic action is often not subject to their will. This can cause a variety of fears. Dyslexia is
suffering that some children feel when you read something. This suffering makes the words seem to have been mixed. And makes the process of remembering them very difficult and at times even impossible.

Symptoms of dyslexia:

* Lack of speech / child does not pronounce any words before the age of one year, sometimes before 1 and a half, two, even three or more years /
* Mix and sounds confused words
* There uncertain speech or confused words
* Repeated often ear infections
* Difficulty in tying shoes and footwear
* Guidance for hard left-right direction, as well as certain critical sequence than before, under, right before left, etc.
* Late in determining the dominant raka.Smyana of one hand with the other in writing.
* The child selects the dominant hand only after the age of 7-8 years
* Memorize difficult words rhyme
* Difficulty writing the alphabet in sequence
* Presence of immature speech

People with dyslexia do not make the same mistakes. They do, however, identical in meaning errors, for example:

* Ability to read words on a page, but others can not recognize it
* Know the written form of a word, but can not utter it aloud
* Difficulty reading a word when it is connected in a meaningful sentence or accompanied by an image

Problem exists in the brain of the child, but that does not mean that it is not smart enough. On the contrary, many people with such problems are quite smart and talented.
Brain sends information About confusing the child, and often can not cope with school work, and homework exercises.

Your child can have a wonderful talent and eager to learn, but when it comes to the "Reading and Writing" in the learning process, it shows inexperience, clumsiness, confusion, and inability to read rule one word or whole sentences. If you notice any problems with your child, consult a specialist who will discuss the difficulties being experienced by the child.

Specialist knows the reasons for difficulties in the learning process. When you learn the specifics of this suffering, then you could help quality of the child to cope with difficulties.

Most children who have problems dislektitsite learn to read by first learning how to write letters and how they sound. Then, they combine sounds in a word. Then, find their place the words in sentences. Initially, everyone has experienced some difficulties, but once he learned the logic of things, everything has seemed easy and natural.

To read a word or text, the brain must perform the following operations:

* To focus on printed letters and words
* To monitor eye movements for this page
* Identify how the letters sound
* To understand how words sound
* To build on their ideas on how words look
* To compare them with what they have learned so far
* To store them in memory and to remember

You know that certain areas of the brain do this job.
To read something correctly, you must include the following centers for work - the center of vision, speech and memory. As in the time needed to switch into the network of nerve cells that make the connection between the given points.
If your child has problems with these centers, or - the relationship between them can be problems.

Specialists will teach children with dyslexia how to deal with problema.Naprimer children with dyslexia have difficulty in distinguishing letters "p" and "b". The specialist will teach them how to pronounce them, linking this with the typical position of the mouth when speaking of these two zvuka.Tozi way of learning is easy and they dislektitsite memorable items.

 The dyslexic person hate to change, because once built up modalities for dealing with a situation, the new environment may cause them to build another communication system, which would make them wrong. Therefore, change of environment they need less time to build a new system to adapt.

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